Frequently asked questions

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What information will I be able to see during my ticket

How long is the flight Visa Reservation valid?

The flight Visa Reservation is typically valid for up to 48h to 15 days hours, depending on the airlines policy.

Can I extend the validity of the Visa Travel Itinerary for Visa?

Yes, you can request an extension for the Visa Travel Itinerary for Visa. Please contact our customer support for more details and availability.

Can I choose the airline company for my Visa Reservation Flight?

Yes, you can choose your preferred airline when making a flight Reservation search .

Can I buy the ticket I booked with you as a Flight Reservation Code for Visa?

Yes, you can convert your Flight Reservation Code for Visa into a fully paid ticket. Contact us for more details on how to proceed.

How much does it cost?

What do I receive after booking a Travel Itinerary for Visa?

You will receive a confirmation email with your Travel Itinerary for Visa details, including the PNR code. Also you can download immediately

Do I receive an e-ticket number for my Flight Itinerary for Visa?

No, you will receive a Flight Itinerary for Visa with a PNR code. An e-ticket number is only provided when you purchase a full ticket.

Can I see a sample of my Onward Flight before booking?

Yes, we can provide a sample Onward Flight upon request to give you an idea of what your booking will look like.

How can I check the PNR code for my Onward Flight for Visa?

You can check the PNR code for your Onward Flight ticket on the airlines website or by contacting the airlines customer service.

Can I extend the reservation time after booking?

Is it possible to select the flight that will be booked for an Onward Ticket for Visa?

Yes, you can select your preferred flight & airline company during the booking process for an Onward Ticket for Visa.

Do I have to cancel the Onward Ticket?

No, you do not need to cancel the Onward Ticket. The reservation will automatically expire if it is not converted into a fully paid ticket.

Do I pay for the full price of the flight Visa Reservation?

No, you pay a small fee for the flight Visa Reservation. If you decide to purchase the ticket, you will pay the full price at that time.

Can I use my Visa Travel Itinerary for Visa to fly?

No, the Visa Travel Itinerary for Visa is for visa application purposes only. It is not valid for boarding the flight.

Why is it important to have an onward ticket?

When should I book my Visa Reservation Flight?

It is recommended to book your Visa Reservation Flight as soon as your travel plans are confirmed to ensure availability and avoid any last-minute issues.

How much does it cost?

Content for Accordion Item 2

Can I extend the reservation time after booking?

Content for Accordion Item 3

Why is it important to have an onward ticket?

Content for Accordion Item 3